
Why Web Development Companies Incorporate Reviews & Testimonials to Your Website

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IS THIS company reliable? This is one of the first question that pops up in your mind when you are considering hiring a company.

With the proliferation of online scammers and inadequate service providers, you cannot just depend on what a company says about themselves on their websites. Most companies would never divulge anything on their page that may cause them to lose their clients, so you can’t expect to read everything you need to know. Unfortunately they just don’t present the whole truth.
feedback-1977987__340And so, the next thing you do is to ask your circle of friends if they could recommend a company.  Getting their referral instantly established alot of trust between you and the company.

And while going about the search may be a bit tiring and time-consuming, you would rather not take chances with your hard earned money on a company you just met online. It’s much safer to take the recommendation of a friend.

On the opposite side of the coin, being the vendor or the service provider, you risk losing a prospective client if you can’t establish trust on your website.

This is the reason why incorporating a section for reviews and testimonials from clients and customers is important, as this feature becomes a fundamental tool in acquiring new customers. A business is only as strong as it’s reputation online. Even better is getting reviews on third-party sites like Yelp or Google Reviews.  This will enhance the credibility of your company since business owners can’t manipulate the client’s feedback. At the same time will make it easier for users and viewers to gain perspectives into your clients’ satisfaction on their patronage of your brand. Users can gain insight into your company’s products and services, skills and commitment to your clients.  An additional benefit of this feedback is companies can learn from their customers what’s needed to improve their products and services. They can also attempt to resolve any issues a client has and respond online to the problem.

Detailed testimonials are critical to company’s to establish trust, land new clients and improve their offerings.   Give it a try on your site and you’ll see.


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