Are you available for long term support and enhancements? How long does it take?
We specifically look for long term ongoing business relationships where we will be regularly enhancing and improving your software applications. We’re not looking for one-off projects where we build something and then never hear from you again. We want to help evolve your product to ensure that you succeed. So, we are absolutely available for that long term support and enhancements.
In the case where your live site doesn’t seem to be available you would typically work with your hosting company. They are usually available 24 hours a day and are your first line of defense.
If you have a bug that is occurring (where something isn’t working properly) that’s where we would step in. We can usually have a developer begin working on by the next business day … so in other words if you report it on a Tuesday, we can work on it Wednesday. If it’s something extremely urgent, we will put every effort forward to get to it sooner.
We do offer custom service level agreements if your project requires more availability for support or faster turn around times on issues.
As far as enhancements, what we do is work with our clients to maintain a standard list of potential enhancements in what is called a backlog. As each enhancement is placed on the backlog we will have a developer provide a cost and time frame estimate. Our clients can then prioritize and approve the items that they would like us to move forward on. We can usually begin an enhancement within approximately a week.
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