What should I prepare to get a quote for my project?

I appreciate your interest in receiving a quote on your project. We would of course be happy to provide this. The most beneficial thing you can in order for us to give you an accurate quote is to put together a thorough document that outlines in as much detail as possible what you would like us to build for you. The more details you can provide the more accurate our quote will be.

I want to give you a list of some of the topics and questions that you should address in your documentation.

Is this an existing or new project?

If it’s existing:
What programming languages and technologies were used to develop your software?
please put together a list of bugs and enhancements that you would like us to address. Prioritizing the issue by their level of urgency is also valuable.

For a new project:

  • What is the purpose of the application from a business and usage perspective?
  • Who are your competitors. Please provide some links to their websites or apps?
  • What functionality do you need?
  • How many pages are you visualizing needing? What is the purpose of each?
  • What is the workflow that your software should follow?
  • What are the various options?
  • What subtleties do we need to be aware of?
  • Who are your users? Is this for internal or external use or for both?
  • Is there credit card process or integration with external systems?
  • What can an administrator of the system do?
  • What devices will this be used on?
  • As far as design, can you provide a list of a few sites or apps that have the type of feel you are looking for? What do you like and dislike about these sites?
  • When do you need to have your project finished?
  • Do you already have a budget in mind? Feel free to share that as well.

Feel free to add any other pertinent information to your requirement document. When we initially work together on analysis we will be diligently working to refine and finalize this information.