Measuring the effectiveness of your software developer(s) can be tricky. If you have already arrived at that point where you are beginning to question effectiveness, chances are it’s a sign something might be wrong. Some Key Performance Indicators that may help.
Custom Web Development Tools – Part 1 – Wireframes
The wireframe is a vital part of the custom web development process that provides organization, clarity, and a basis for deep discussion prior to development.
Software Development Planning Challenges: Scope
One of the most dreaded questions developers face is the client asking, “wasn’t that part of the project scope?” Here’s why this happens and what to do about it.
The Success of a Software Development Project Plan
Every stakeholder has a different perspective about “Success” of a project and each will be trying to strike a balance in their own cost/benefit puzzle. The problem is that no two stakeholders evaluate the cost/benefit ratio in quite the same way.
Software Development Plan Essentials
A software development plan should be time-sequenced and identify resources and task dependencies. Take the time to thoroughly identify elements outlined and you will have taken a large step toward the ultimate success of you project.
Offshore Software Development – Risky Business!
There are many pitfalls to be well aware of, before deciding to send your software development project overseas. Some risks (and their costs) will far outweigh any potential benefits when something unforeseen happens.