Trying to resurrect old inquiries from your CRM systems is a labor intensive process and has a very low success rates. Discovering a trade partner who can fulfill projects that are outside your core competencies makes perfect sense.
Are All Software Development Leads Good?
There is a direct correlation to the 80/20 rule within software development sales but it’s not about volume; it’s about the results based on your software development leads … how they are received, processed, and pursued.
Selecting Top Web Development Companies
Here is a guide on how to select the best web development company, which will help ensure software projects are completed professionally in both a timely and cost effective manner.
Interview Questions for Software Developer: Can They Really Handle the Project?
During the software development interview process, you must recognize the candidate with the greatest abilities … A developer that can take you from where you are now, to a successful project conclusion.
Results of Underbidding Software Development Quotes
Proper software development is challenging and requires strong skills and equivalent experience. And let’s be honest, it can be difficult to tell a potential client that the project they want to put in place will be … well … costly.
Hiring a Web Developer or an Offshore Web Development Company?
The idea that a single person should be able to handle all potential contingencies on any given project is simply unrealistic. There is no other time when the advantages of outsourcing your project to a Software Development Team have been more clear.
Software Development Project RFPs…Pro or Con?
Here are ten reasons you might use a Request For Proposal to select the most appropriate Software Development Company … but also why that same rationale may work against you.
Can Software Development Pricing Rates Deceive?
Inexpensive and/or offshore development companies that appear to offer a better deal are not always the best path to a satisfactory project. There are always hidden concessions involved in a low-ball price. Ultimately you need to ask yourself if you can afford the risk of a failed project.
Have You Ever Turned Away Development Work? Why?
Have You Ever Turned Away Development Work? Why? Send us the referral, we’ll land the project and share the revenue with You. Plus we’ll do an Incredible Job for the Client. So it’s a Win-Win-WIN!
The Drawbacks of IT Recruiting Firms
For over ten years, I had the opportunity to work with quite a few contract employment agencies, or staffing companies and probably a hundred different recruiters. No doubt staffing companies have their place and serve a useful purpose. But unfortunately it is not usually the case.